International Mental Health Foundation

Bringing Awareness to Mental Health and Disabilities

Through the Arts

At the heart of the International Mental Health Foundation (IMHF), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, lies profound commitment to bringing awareness to mental health and disabilities facing people from all walks of life. We believe in a world where every person, irrespective of their mental or physical obstacles, is valued, supported, and provided with opportunities to thrive. We combine the strengths of the arts and clinical expertise to foster connection between hearts and minds, celebrating human resilience and empathy.

Our Mission

To provide compassionate support to individuals facing mental health and disabilities, with a unique focus on building awareness and empowering minds through arts and entertainment. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life by creating engaging and creative platforms that promote access to essential resources, foster community engagement, and empower individuals to realize their full potential. By leveraging the universal language of art and entertainment, we strive to let people know we see them, and that they do not have to face their mental health struggles alone.


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What We Do

Advocacy: Championing the rights and needs of those with mental health and disabilities.

Arts & Entertainment: Hosting and sponsoring engaging events in the fields of arts and entertainment to build awareness and connect with diverse audiences.

Education: Hosting workshops, seminars, and campaigns to raise awareness and inform policy.

Community Engagement: Building bridges with local communities to ensure grassroots impact, including collaboration with artists and entertainers.

Resource Allocation: Directing funds and resources where they’re needed most, including support for artistic initiatives that align with our mission.

"Cheese Fries & Chili Dips," a one-man show featuring pro golfer Chris Fuller, is one of the entertainment projects sponsored by IMHF. Learn more>>

"Mixed Nuts & Margaritas," featuring mental health comedian Frank King and singer/songwriter Ronnie Tsunami, is a fun, island musical comedy sponsored by IMHF. Learn more>>

International Mental Health Foundation (IMHF)

© 2024 IMHF